Student Financial Services

Student Accounts and Billing

Brown Student Account Payment System

Actively enrolled students have access to view, pay, and manage their student account online.  Our Student Account Payment System Guide helps students and authorized users navigate the student account payment system.

The Account Activity page provides real time information about your account balance. Any charges or credits posted after the billing dates will be reflected in the online Account Activity page. An email notification will be sent to alert students to new charges or credits. Please monitor your Brown email for important updates.

The Billing Statement provides a snapshot of your account balance at the time the statement was produced. Billing statements are only available electronically; no paper billing statements are produced.

Students can - Setup authorized users; Enroll in electronic refund; Enroll in Brown's Installment Payment Plan (IPP); Make payments; View 1098-T statements. Students are encouraged to grant Authorized User access to family members who wish to view and pay their student account.

Once setup, Authorized Users can (based on the student's preferences) - Enroll in Brown's Installment Payment Plan (IPP); Make payment; View 1098-T statements

Student Account Charges and Credits

The student account itemizes all charges and/or credits submitted by University departments for the term. View important student financial policies, including details on student account charges and credits, at Student Account Financial Policy.


Charges that may appear on the students account include Tuition & Fees, Health Insurance, Housing, Dining, Bookstore charges (optional), Library Fines, Pharmacy Fees, Athletics Equipment Fees, and International Program Fees.

Questions about a specific charge should be directed to the office responsible for that charge (housing, dining, bookstore, pharmacy, library, etc). Student Financial Services should be contacted for questions about accessing your account, payment options, late payment charges, and refunds.


Credits that may appear on the students account include expected payments/disbursements from scholarships, grants, loans, installment payment plans, 529 college savings plans, or employer benefits.  Credits may remain on the student account until the earlier of either the date that the payment/disbursement is received or until the mid-point of the semester. If an unpaid credit is removed from the account, the student is responsible for paying the balance. 

The Offices of Financial Aid are responsible for determining and posting students financial aid award packages. Please contact them directly with any questions about the FAFSA or your award package.  

Student Financial Services is responsible for processing private loan or PLUS loan applications, assisting students with loan counseling and promissory note requirements, and sending invoices to external scholarship sponsors as needed. 

Learn more about loan borrowing and review our Frequently Asked Questions.


Billing Schedule

Billing Date


Due Date


Billing Date

Beginning 4/17/24

Due Date


Billing Date


Due Date


Billing Date


Due Date


Billing Date


Due Date


Billing Sponsors of Outside Scholarships

The majority of outside scholarship sponsors/agencies will accept a copy of the student account statement which the student may print/save from the Student Account Payment System. If the outside scholarship agency specifically requires a special billing invoice, the student must send our office written confirmation of the scholarship and a request for a special billing invoice. The student account statement cannot be addressed to a scholarship sponsor. Our team will prepare a billing invoice and forward it directly to the sponsor. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the sponsor to ensure funds are received promptly by the University.

Additional Information

The 1098-T is a statement that colleges and universities are required to issue to certain students. It provides the total dollar amount paid by the student for what is referred to as qualified tuition and related expenses in a single tax year. The information on form 1098-T can be used to help you determine if you are eligible for education tax credits when filing a U.S. tax return.