Student Financial Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover answers to many questions you may have about taxes, student account payments, refunds, online account access, billing statements, housing, meals, and leavetaking or withdrawals.

Online Access to Student Account

All student account statements are available online only. Students are advised to set up Authorized Users access to their billing records as well, especially if they depend on others to pay for their student account charges. Students and authorized users receive an email when an electronic statement is available at the Brown University Student Account Payment System. Once logged in, choose “View Account Activity” to see up-to-date account balance information or choose “eBills” to view the latest billing statement. To view your billing statement, click “My Account” then choose Statements. View our  Student Account Payment System Guide for instructions on setting up authorized users, accessing the student account, making payments, enrolling in the Installment Payment Plan, and more.

Note: The latest billing statement is a snapshot in time and will not include any transactions that occurred after the statement was generated. 

Students having a password issue with the payment portal should reset their password at  Students should contact the Help Desk at 401-863-HELP for issues with login credentials. If the Authorized User is having trouble accessing the system, please contact our team. Our office will validate setup and resend a temporary password. More information on Authorized User access may be viewed at  Student Account Payment System Guide.

Billing Statements

EBills are only created at the beginning of each semester and will not reflect activity that occurs after the statement was generated. Visit the Brown University Student Account Payment System and select "Billing Statement" to view or print the billing statement. Select “Account Activity” to view real-time information regarding your student account charges and credits. Students will receive a notification email the Monday following transactions posted after the statement.

Many scholarship sponsors will accept a copy of the student account statement. Students and Authorized Users are able to print the statement at If a special billing invoice is required for the sponsor of an outside scholarship, please send Student Financial Services written confirmation of the scholarship and a request for a special billing invoice. The student account statement cannot be addressed to a scholarship sponsor. Student Financial Services will prepare a billing invoice and forward it directly to the sponsor. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the sponsor to ensure funds are received promptly by the University.

All enrolled students are billed student charges for applicable tuition, fees, and other related costs. In some cases, students receive support through financial aid, through the Grad School, or through additional sources. Students are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all applicable support is posted to their student account and all remaining balances are paid in a timely manner. Unpaid balances are subject to late fines and other financial policies.

Be aware that support through the Grad School typically does not include support for fees. Often the student is responsible for paying fees such as the Grad Student Activity Fee and the Grad Student Recreation Fee. The payment deadline for the Fall term is August 1 and the Spring Term is January 1. If your anticipated support from the Grad School has not been posted to your student account, you must contact your department advisor for assistance.Only your department has the ability to make support decisions and to instruct the Grad School of your award. Stipends are paid directly to the student and are not posted to the student account. Check with your department advisor as to when and how often you will receive your stipend payments. Contact your Grad School department advisor for details regarding your support. Contact our team with additional questions about your student account charges and/or balance.

Inquiries or information concerning payment options, changes in billing name or billing address, late payment charge assessment, refunds, and the Installment Payment Plan (IPP) are handled by Student Financial Services. Refer to our contact information to email, call, or schedule an appointment.

However, since most of the charges or credits that appear on the statement do not originate in Student Financial Services, questions about a specific item should be directed to the office responsible for the charge.

All housing information and policies are handled by Residential Life. Residential Life submits charges to Student Financial Services to be reflected on the student's account. For questions regarding changes to housing students should reference their room agreement.

All meal plan information and policies are handled by Dining Services. Dining Service submits charges to Student Financial Services to be reflected on the student's account. For questions regarding changes to housing students should reference their meal plan agreement.

In case of billing errors, the amount in question need not be paid while we are investigating the matter provided that documentation is submitted to Student Financial Services prior to the payment due date. However, the remainder of the bill, which is due and not in question, must be paid by the due date.

Student Account Payments and Refunds

Refer to the University’s Student Account Financial Policy for information regarding student account charges and credits, billing and payments, financial holds and late payment charges, disbursements, refunds, and taxes.


Information on requesting a refund for a valid credit balance may be found on our Refunds page.

The dates of the IPP follow the dates outlined in the IPP Agreement page (displayed during enrollment). If the dates of the installment payment plan do not work for your family, please contact our team for alternative payment options.

Establish a new Saved Payment Method at “Payment Profile” under “My Profile Setup” from the home page, or select a previously established Saved Payment Method.

If the account number attached to an Installment Payment Plan must be changed– you MUST update EACH scheduled installment payment. From the home page go to the scheduled payments section; select the Gear Icon at the far right, select “Edit”.Using the drop down next to the Method option, select the new payment method you just created and select “SAVE”. This must be repeated for each scheduled installment pay. See our  Student Account Payment System Guide and contact our team for further assistance.

Statements for the Fall term will be available online the 3rd week of June with payment due on August 1st. Statements for the Spring term will be available online the 3rd week of November with payment due on January 1st.

Please review Brown's policies regarding Financial Holds and past due student account balances.

Authorized Users and students may log in at and make an online payment. More payment information may be viewed on our Financing & Payment Options page.

Payment for student account charges is accepted by  ACH (e-check drawn on a U.S. bank account) or debit/credit card online through Payment may also be made check, or by Flywire for international payments. All payments must be made in USD. 

Electronic ACH Payment: Students and their Authorized Users can access the E-Bill & Payment system at the Brown University Student Account Payment System to make online payments. View the  Student Account Payment System Guide for additional instructions. 

Bank Online Bill Payment: Students and their Authorized Users can initiate a payment directly through their own bank using their bank’s online bill payment feature. Once a payment is initiated by the student or authorized user, the bank will issue payment to Brown University. Please allow several days for the payment to be received by Brown.

International Wire Transfer: Flywire is Brown University's preferred method of payment for international account payments. The University has partnered with Flywire to offer a streamlined and cost saving payment method. With this partnership, students and families are offered favorable foreign exchange rates, the ability to pay in home currency (in most cases) and savings compared to traditional banks. In addition, students/families are able to track payments via Flywire's dashboard and receive notification via email (and/or text) when the payment is received by Brown University.

Visit to make an international student account payment.

Learn about other financing and payment options.

From the Home Page, select “Make Payment”. Select the appropriate radio button to pay “Current Account Balance” or “Pay by Term”. Review the payment amount in the corresponding amount box. Change the dollar amount if needed, confirm that the Payment Total at the bottom matches the intended amount, select “Continue”. Select the Payment Method from the “Method” dropdown box, then select “Continue”. Follow the prompts to complete the payment and receive payment confirmation and receipt.

Please contact our team with the error code or message you are receiving. 

In the Student Account Payment System, select Make Payment, select Current Account Balance, confirm or change the desired payment amount, then select Credit Card via PayPath from the Method dropdown box.  Card payments are subject to a non-refundable service fee. 

Card Payment Service Fee Rates: (based on the transaction amount)

Cards issued by a domestic (U.S.) bank:  2.95% or $3.00 minimum

Cards issued by a foreign bank (outside the U.S.): 4.25% or $3.00 minimum

When making a card payment via PayPath, the service fee rates are clearly displayed throughout the payment process.  The actual dollar amount of the service fee can only be calculated and displayed after the card information is entered and evaluated by the payment processor.  Users have the ability to cancel the transaction after the actual dollar amount of the service fee is displayed. Please read the service fee information closely as this fee is not refundable in any circumstance. 

The service fees are established by the payment processor. The service fee covers the card transaction fees charged by the card brands.  Brown University does not control the service fee; the service fee is not charged by or paid to Brown University.   

No. The service fee is charged by and paid directly to the payment processor.  The service fee is not charged by nor paid to Brown University and it will not be included in your student account. 

You will see two separate transactions on your card statement: one for the student account payment, and one for the service fee.

You may make payment via electronic check (ACH) or paper check or via Flywire for international payments without any service fee.

Card payments are reflected on your student account in real time and are posted immediately. 

No, a card payment cannot be saved as a preferred payment method. The card information must be entered each time a payment is being made.

No, credit or debit cards are not accepted for the Installment Payment Plan (IPP).  IPP scheduled payments must be made using a U.S. personal checking or savings account. Corporate accounts or money market accounts are also not accepted.

The service fee is non-refundable, even if the payment to which it relates is canceled, refunded, or credited.

Student account overpayments are refunded back to the original payment method that was used most recently. Refunds are issued to the most recently posted payment method first. If the refund amount exceeds the most recently posted payment amount, then the remainder is refunded via ACH eRefund (or Flywire if applicable). 

Installment Payment Plan

The installment payment plan is calculated per semester. You must enroll separately for each semester (Fall and Spring) that you wish to use the IPP.

The IPP enrollment fee is charged per enrollment (one semester). As you complete the enrollment process, you will see this fee listed as a Finance Charge or Setup Fee. There are no other financing costs or interest associated with the IPP.

All charges posted to the student account for the term will be included in the payment plan. The payment plan will recalculate each time charges or credits are added to the student account.

Students with a previous semester balance over $500 are prevented from enrolling in IPP. Students will need to clear the past due balance first, and can then enroll in IPP. Students with a previous semester balance of $500 or less may enroll in the IPP and that balance will be included in the total IPP amount.

Payers enrolled in Brown’s Installment Payment Plan (IPP) with one returned payment due to insufficient funds within the plan period will be removed from the IPP and will need to make other payment arrangements.

International students can enroll with a U.S. savings or checking account.

During IPP enrollment, you must create a saved payment method and schedule payments to be automatically deducted from a personal U.S checking or savings account on the date of each required payment. Other types of bank accounts, including international, commercial/business, line-of-credit, or credit card accounts are not accepted. IPP participants will receive reminder emails before each installment is automatically withdrawn from the designated U.S. personal checking or savings account.

See the  Student Account Payment System Guide for instructions. Contact our team for further assistance as needed.

Charges and credits to the student account will impact the amount of scheduled installments. Students and authorized users will be notified each time an installment amount changes. 

You must contact the department responsible for the charge (housing, dining, library, etc) and discuss the dispute with them directly. Please keep your Student Account Representative informed of the status of the dispute. All charges are included in the IPP, if/when a disputed charge is removed from the account the IPP will recalculate to a new amount.

If the 529/scholarship was a memo credit on your student account at the time you enrolled in IPP, then your installment amount will not change. If this is a new 529/scholarship amount, then your remaining installments will be adjusted equally.

When aid is expected to pay the student account, a temporary memo credit is placed on the account. If the funds are not received by October 15 (for fall) or by February 15 (for spring), then the memo expires and your remaining IPP installments will increase accordingly. You will be responsible for the student account balance. You are responsible for making sure that all anticipated funds are paid to the student account in a timely manner.

If the Health Insurance charge is removed after you enroll in IPP, the remaining installment payments will be recalculated and your payment amounts will be reduced.

Tax Related

The 1098-T Statement is provided each year on or before January 31. Students and their Authorized Users will be notified by email when the 1098-T Statement is produced. Electronic 1098-T Statement Option: Students can choose to view, print, and save their 1098-T electronically at the Brown University Student Account Payment System.

  • Select Accept Consent in the 1098-T popup window that appears after login.
  • If you do not see the popup window, or you would like to change your consent option, select "Consents and Agreements", select Change, and select Accept Consent.
  • Consent remains on record for the remainder of your enrollment at Brown.
  • Students can determine whether their authorized user has access to view the 1098-T statement. Select Authorized User tab, select Edit, and update the permissions shown in the popup window.

Not all students will receive an IRS Form 1098-T. According to IRS guidelines, a 1098-T statement will not be provided to non-resident aliens, international students, or in cases where qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships. Learn more on our 1098-T page.

Please contact our team at for assistance.

Information on Excess Scholarship Tax and how it impacts the student account may be viewed at the following Taxation for International Students

Housing and Meals

Undergraduate students are required to apply for permission with the Office of Residential Life to live off campus. Questions regarding this permission should be directed to or 401-863-3500.

Visit Dining Services Meal Plan for information regarding meal plan contracts. Students must contact Dining Services directly with any questions regarding meal plan changes or cancellations. If any adjustments are made by Dining Services, the changes will be reflected on the student account within 2 to 3 business days. You may contact Dining Services directly at 401-863-3343 or at

Leavetaking or Withdrawals

Students who withdraw within the first five weeks of term are eligible for a tuition credit based on the University Tuition Leave Refund Policy. All fees are non-refundable. Please be advised that a leave must be fully processed by the university by the deadlines outlined in the policy. Once the leave is processed, your enrollment records will be updated and any applicable adjustments will be posted to your student account.

Undergraduate students should review the information regarding Leave Taking and contact an academic advising dean or email with any questions regarding the leave process and timing.

Graduate students should contact their department advisor or the Grad School at 401-863-2600 to discuss Leaves of Absence.

Upon withdrawal, students may be eligible for a partial credit. Prorated room credits for students who need to withdraw from a term of occupancy once it has begun will be made in accordance with the housing agreement. Visit Residential Life Policies and Rules for on-campus information or Off-Campus Rules and Regulations. Contact for additional information. Visit Dining Services Meal Plan for a listing of important dates for meal plan contracts. Contact for additional information

The tuition protection plan is a tuition insurance plan available to all Brown University students on an optional basis. This is a private insurance program managed by GradGuard that supplements the University’s refund policy. The plan provides a refund for tuition, fees, and housing and meal charges up to the purchased policy limit if a student is unable to complete a semester due to a covered medical reason. For more information and to enroll, visit the GradGuard website or call 1.866.724.4384.